Name:Feng Li
Professional Title:Full Professor,
Master’s Supervisor
Office: 366, Jingcheng Building, Lanzhou University
Research Interests: Oral Biology — Cell Biology、 Genetics
Education/Training: graduated from the Northwest Normal University, Life Sciences in 1983, Bachelor degree of Science .
Leadership figure of young and middle-aged adults for Gansu Provincial academy and technology of medicine and health 2004
“Study on Periodontitis Tissue Immune Cytology and Clinical Genetic Factors” was awarded the second prize of the Scientific and Technological Progress of Drug and Health of Gansu Province 1997
“Ultrastructure Study on Mast cells, Macrophages in the Periapical Granuloma” was awarded the third prize of medical science and technology of Gansu Province 2001
“Study on the Developmental biology and Cell Biology of dental Germs in Fetal Rabbits of experimental Animal” was awarded the third prize of Medical Science and Technology of Gansu Province 2002
“Practice and Research on Teaching Reformation of Biomedical Courses ” was awarded Teaching Achievement of the Education Department of Gansu Province 2004
Gansu Natural Science Foundation Project 《Study on the Expression of Cell Apoptosis-related Genes in Periodontitis》 2008/12/01 – 2011/12/31
Lanzhou Science and Technology Plan Project 《Relationship between RAGE Gene Polymorphism and Type 2 Diabetes with Periodontitis in Northwest Population》 2011/12/01 – 2013/12/31
The association of IL-6 and IL-6R gene polymorphisms with chronic periodontitis in a Chinese population, Oral Diseases, 2014
Edoplasmic Reticulum Stress-induced Apoptosis in the Role of Chronic Periodontitis, Journal of Oral Science Research, 2012
Expression of Smac and Bax in chronic periodontal tissues and their roles in apoptosis, Chin J Conserv Dent, 2012
Catalase concentration in gingival of experimental perodontitis in rats, J Pract Stomatol , 2010
Research on Gingival Epithelial Cells Apoptosis of Aggressive Periodentitis, Journal of Modern Stomatolog, 2008
Observation of biological development behaviour of dental papilla in fetal rabbits, Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology, 2004
Clinical manifestations and genitic modes of oral heriditary diseas, Chinese Journal of Medicine, 2006。
Observation on the ultrastructure of immune cells in gingival tissue of periodontitis, Journal of Lanzhou University (Natural Sciences), 2002
The study on development of Dental Lamina in fetal rabbits, Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology, 2002
Ultrastructural morphological observation on the plasma cells in periodontitis-affected human gingival tissue, Chin J Stomatol 1997